Personal Coach & Transition Specialist

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Transition Specialist

Changes in your life can be difficult to navigate, at any age and in any situation. Whether adapting to a divorce, or a new job, or retiring – creating a new life for yourself is often destabilizing and very challenging.

A large group of people are entering a hugely important transition right now. Baby boomers are retiring. But retirement is very different for boomers today than for their parents and grandparents. There are many more options. Boomers are living longer. Expectations from life are greater. And because some boomers are dealing with this transition earlier, in their 50s rather than 60s, the new life they create will last for decades.

A transition specialist can help you on your journey, help you navigate your options, help you access your wisdom and dreams – to create a life of meaning and purpose.

Create a new life for yourself!

Set up a complimentary consultation.
Call 416.236.2070
Email [email protected] 

Contact Linda

Call today to set up a consultation with Linda.

(416) 236-2013
[email protected]

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“I had clarity after our talk. I am now running at full speed… you shot me out of a cannon.”

– Sharon Snitman, Toronto