Personal Coach & Transition Specialist

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About Linda

Background & Credentials

Linda Judith Reed, MA, MBA, CPC

Linda received professional coaching certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching – IPEC. She has focussed on life coaching with a specialty in Transition Coaching. A seasoned businesswoman, Linda has run her own conference and publishing business for over 20 years. She started the business during an economic downturn in Toronto, and has produced conferences throughout Canada, and in some U.S. locations. She underwrites, creates, markets and produces these conference on a risk basis. She has also produced executive management development programs for corporate clients in various European locations. Prior to starting her own business, Linda worked for a national conference company specializing in executive conferences; started up and managed the Toronto location of The Learning Annex, a U.S. business; and managed the regional administration of 20 real estate sales offices in B.C. Linda has training and experience as a professional educator, trainer and coach. A long-time student of the human potential movement, she understands at a deep level the theory and practice of personal development and achievement. With a B.A. (Hons.) degree and M.A. degree in English, an M.B.A, teaching certification and coaching certification, Linda has changed horses several times. Her accumulated wisdom and experience augment her credentials in the coaching arena.

Recent Blog Posts

Getting Out of Your Own Way

A key to making changes to yourself and your life is to ‘get out of your own way.’ How do you know when you are in your own way? One sign is that you listen to your mind and not to your heart. Our mind has been shaped by the past

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Contact Linda

Call today to set up a consultation with Linda.

(416) 236-2013
[email protected]

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“I had clarity after our talk. I am now running at full speed… you shot me out of a cannon.”

– Sharon Snitman, Toronto